Thieves Laundry Detergent Hack

I added Thieves Laundry Soap to my Essential Rewards order, and realized how pricey it was! $29.50 for a 32oz bottle. I know that all Young Living products are SUPER concentrated, so a little goes a long way.

I had seen a few hacks on Pinterest, and watched how a ton of people were stretching those 32oz into FOUR bottles of detergent. After trying a few different recipes, I came up with my own!

Thieves Laundry Detergent
  1. 8oz Thieves Laundry Detergent

  2. 1/4 Cup Baking Soda(I buy the bulk bags from Costco)

  3. 2 Capfulls Thieves All Purpose Household Cleaner

  4. Distilled Water(fill the measuring cup to 28oz)

I will whisk all of the ingredients up, and pour it into empty detergent bottles like the ones pictured above. Filling the diluted detergent up to the “2” in the lid, is perfect for a normal to heavy load of laundry.

I also use wool dryer balls with a drop of Lavender on each for my dryer, so I’m saving money on dryer sheets and not wasting anything!

I LOOOOVE making chemical-free laundry super easy and extremely cheap and waste-free. If you have any questions, comment below!

Thieves Laundry Detergent