Cleaning Your Essential Oils Diffuser

I’m sure some of you, including myself, are guilty of never cleaning your diffuser. Either because you didn’t even think about it, or you didn’t know how(or both)!

Here’s a VERY simple, step-by-step tutorial of how to clean your diffusers

Supplies Needed:

  • Vinegar

  • Rubbing Alcohol(or alcohol swabs)

  • Cotton Swabs(or a reuse-able smaller brush)

  • Distilled Water

  • Dropper

  • Dry Rag

One thing I never realized, is that our diffusers need to be dried after EACH USE. I would leave them stagnant for days, allowing the unused water to sit, causing build up from the moisture. Don’t do what I did! After your diffuser runs through it’s cycle, empty out the excess water(if any) and dry it out with a rag.

Once A Week

You will want to give it a good clean with rubbing alcohol. You can do this using alcohol swabs, cotton swabs dipped in rubbing alcohol, or a small cleaning brush with rubbing alcohol. After you scrub it, rinse the base with water, dump it out, then dry it with a rag.


Once A Month

Fill your diffuser half full with distilled water, and add 10 drops of vinegar. Run your diffusers as normal, allowing the vinegar to clean through.


What’s that you said??

You don’t have a diffuser you said??

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