Essential Oils 101

As I continue ditching and switching products over to Young Living, the more I realize how hard it is to find SIMPLE information about how to go about making a lifestyle change!

If you hop on Pinterest and just type “essential oils”, a plethora of pins will pop up. You can try to specify your search a little more, but clicking on certain pins will take you on a rabbit trail of websites or blogs that seem overwhelming at first glance. Facebook? Yikes. Talk about posting a question about essential oils and watching the battle of “let me PM you with info” comments, ensue.

After using Young Living’s essential oils and products for over a year, I am STILL discovering things that I had absolutely no idea even existed! Without overloading you, I’ve compiled a basic 101 that you can breeze through to hopefully encourage you in your curiosity about what the heck essential oils are all about!


Each bottle has directions on how you can use the oil, and it’s up to you on what you’re needing to use the oil for! If it’s for a sore neck, you’d use topically. If it’s for promoting health and wellness, you’d use it internally. If you’re using them to help focus during a late-night study or to promote a good night’s rest, you would inhale them aromatically using a diffuser or sniffing them right out of a bottle(it sounds weird when I put it that way…but, it’s not haha)


How do you get started?

The first option, and my favorite option, is purchasing a Premium Starter Kit. It’s $165.

Before you panic, let me break down the fact that you are scoring over $400 worth of product for that price. There are twelve of the most popular essential oils and blends to get you started, an essential oils diffuser, Thieves Cleaner, Thieves Hand Sanitizer, and a guide booklet to help you get started on understanding each of the items in your kit. Want to read more? Click Here

There is also a makeup starter kit if you’re wanting a mineral-based, chemical free makeup kit(Savvy Minerals). There is also what’s called a "Thieves” starter kit, which includes a line of cleaning and household products to help you ditch those chemically-based ones you may have now.

If you’re not interested in the items included in the starter kits, you can exclusively purchase a membership with Young Living for $45. This includes an oil called “Stress Away”, which is probably the most self-explanatory oil blend and also my favorite. Purchasing a membership gives you access to the Young Living catalog(kinda like a Costco card gives you the ability to shop at Costco) and a 24% discount on all of the products.


For the first time ever, Young Living is allowing new members to use their Starter Kit purchase as their FIRST Essential Rewards order. What does that mean? You started earning points and money back IMMEDIATELY. Essential Rewards is a punch card program for essential oils. It’s free to enroll, and you can cancel at anytime.