My Acne Transformation Journey

The first sign of high school for me was the first zit. I saw it and popped it like every kid does. Unbeknownst to me, I started a zombie apocalypse to my face with each pop. 


I had fairly mild acne around the age of 13 and 14, and it didn't really start taking over till 15. Once the stress of friends, boys, and life started taking over, so did the complexion infection. 


At 16, my face was so bad, that I would be in excruciating pain because the acne had become cystic, affecting the nerves on my face. I tried every different wash and "system" from every different tv commercial and dermatologist recommendation. I was even prescribed acutane which isn't (and shouldn't be) for everyone. I think it has been recalled since I took it, just to give you a little insight. Acutane dried me up like the Sahara desert, to the point of cracked, bleeding lips and horrible man-like dandruff. I used Aquaphor on the hourly and lotioned up like a hand model. 


After acutane, I was the perfection of skin tone. My freckles were picture perfect, and my face was blemish-free. 

Then, life happened again. 

 I stressed, washed my face with chemical-ridden products, dated too many ass holes, and worked 4 jobs at once. 


My acne became so bad, that people started asking if I was okay. I would cry if I accidentally brushed my face in a way where it nicked the tiny volcanoes. 

 After dating, being engaged, and marrying my husband(and best friend), I still had pepperoni pizza skin. My husband decided one day, to tell me to just stop. Stop washing my face and stop putting on makeup. No more Esthetician, no more dermatologist, and no more counseling(yes, I went to someone to help me de-stress to see if it helped my face). 

 I needed to start over. Now.

 I stopped wearing make up and washing my face for two weeks, and it was as awful as it sounds. I was so self-conscious and felt so greasy that it was uncomfortable. I made a promise to myself to not touch my face to pop, scratch, or even rest my hands. 

 And then, the numbers went down. I counted one less breakout per day, at the very minimum. 

 The breakouts became smaller, less painful, and less noticeable.

I changed my diet, eating clean and mostly plant-based. I checked the label on every box, and if I couldn’t pronounce an ingredient, I didn’t buy it. I started cooking more, and I knew exactly what was in my meal.

Then, I started to introduce make up again, and decided to look at those labels…

 Cetyl alcohol, acid, some ingredient I can't pronounce, etc., etc.. 

 Nothing was good for you, and everything clogged my already large and swollen facial pours.  

The ingredients in half of the things we feel the need to put on our face, SHOCKS me. These products are literally burning your skin, ladies. Beauty is NOT worth the pain. 


January 2020

At the beginning of 2020, I had switched to completely clean products. It was kind of working, but I was still breaking out.


In May, I had a friend who reached out and talked to me about this business she had just started. She had partnered with a clean beauty brand, selling haircare and skincare products. After dropping off samples with me, I hesitated to even open them up. I had tried everything you guys. Literally everything. I didn’t want to go through another “30 day trial period” or scar my face anymore than it already was.

After hesitating for a couple of weeks, I figured I had nothing to lose at that point, so I tried it.


The photos on the right are from April 2020. The photo on the left is from December 2020…

I have never felt more confident in my life. If I break out, they’re tiny and go away by the next day. And that’s IF i break out.

I am SO thankful I gave it another chance. I’m using gluten free, plant based products that are specifically formulated for my skin type and THEY WORK.

If you want to take the first step in transforming your skin and getting on top of your break outs, click here